General information
- Minimally invasive method of delivering fuid to an operative feld
- Precise callibration of the measuring system through LEVEL function
- FLUSH function for an effcient rinsing of an operating area
- Non-volatile memory of recent settings
- Three working modes of the Universal Fluid Pump
- Used with disposable and day-use tubings.
- Acoustic and visual signals ensuring correct
tubing instalation - Remote controller (optional)
- Big and clear display, intuitive menu
- Esthetic and modern design
Three working modes
The device is dedicated to support variety of endoscopic procedures like: arthroscopy, urology and hysteroscopy
Precise and seustive measuring system
Sensors are built into the device, which protects against mechanical damage
Remote control
Facilicates pump management
Fluid Pump Tubings
Vimex Endoscopy offers two options for tubing sets: Single Use Tubing Set (SUTS) and Daily Use Pump Part (DUPP) with Single Use Patient Part (SUPP)